Djewels is a pioneering project in the Netherlands to demonstrate the feasibility of industrial-scale green hydrogen production to help reduce CO2 emissions. 

HyCC will develop a 20 megawatt water electrolysis facility at the Chemical Park Delfzijl to convert renewable electricity into green hydrogen. 

The hydrogen can be used in to reduce CO2-emissions from chemical industries at the Chemical Park, to store and generate energy, or for green mobility.  


Djewels will be the first 20 megawatt plant using innovative "McLyzer” technology from McPhy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen with the use of renewable power. 

These high-pressure elektrolysers operate at a higher current density, providing flexibility in production with reduced spatial requirements. This is an important development to enable the scale-up of green hydrogen production, as gigawatt-size factories will be required in the future to reach European climate objectives.  

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Safety is a key prerequisite for the project and a priority in each phase: From design to construction and operations. 

The plant is designed so that oxygen and hydrogen are clearly separated and the plant itself will be reinforced to provide extra protection for the surrounding environment. In addition, we have undertaking addition studies as part of the permitting and design phase to warrant safe operations of the facility.


Funding and support

Djewels is an important step in the development and scaling up of water electrolysis technology. The project is supported by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency and the Dutch Waddenfonds. The project has also received funding from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 826089. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research innovation programme and the Netherlands, Italy, France, and Belgium.



Joost Sandberg
Commercial Director

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